How Buying Reviews Can Get You in Trouble With Google and Yelp
While there are some benefits to buying reviews, you should know that they can get you into trouble with Google and Yelp. These websites prohibit businesses from buying reviews and have penalties for violating their terms of service. In one recent case, Yelp punished a company for offering cash in exchange for a review. In Yelp’s terms of service, it says reviews must disclose the fact that they are paid for or they constitute false advertising.
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Getting positive reviews from consumers is a great way to increase your star rating and get more traffic. However, it’s important to note that negative reviews can tank your website’s Google ranking and hurt your ability to attract more customers. The only way to counteract the damage of a negative review is to have more positive ones. But these aren’t always easy to find, so it’s best to be proactive when requesting them. Purchasing reviews can backfire, and there are a few ways to ensure you get the best reviews for your business.
Buying reviews from customers is not as easy as it seems. You should ask customers for reviews in person, through advertisements, and after their purchase. However, if you want to avoid getting caught by Google, it’s best to do it the ethical way.