Breathwork Courses For Beginners and Experienced Practitioners

breathwork courses

Breathwork is a powerful tool that can help us unlock and release our unconscious beliefs, emotions and thoughts. There are a variety of breathwork courses available for both beginners and experienced practitioners. These courses will help you become more knowledgeable and skilled in your practice.

A breathwork facilitator certification is the most common route to becoming a certified breathwork courses teacher. The process can be a long one, so it’s important to choose the right breathwork training program for your needs.

Loka Yoga School offers a comprehensive Breathwork Teacher Training course that covers all aspects of breathing and pranayama techniques, from the basic to the advanced. The course is well-structured and easy to follow, with a mix of lectures, readings and videos.

Transform Your Life with Breathwork: A Comprehensive Guide to Breathwork Courses

The Aura Institute offers a two-part breathwork practitioner training, which teaches students how to facilitate trauma-informed & holotropic breathwork sessions with clients in groups and one-on-one. Their level 1 breathwork training is an introduction to the practice, while their level 2 is more in-depth and focuses on teaching techniques for facilitating a session.

PachaMama’s Wisdom of Breath workshop is a great option for beginners who want to learn about meditative and spiritual breathwork practices. This 3-day course guides groups of 12 through a series of calming breathwork exercises that are designed to unlock your subconscious mind.

Elemental Rhythm’s breathwork facilitator training is an immersive experience that teaches you how to facilitate and coach Elemental Rhythm Breathwork, a breathwork technique that uses rhythms and chanting to support the healing process. It includes over 134 hours of live training, weekly practice calls and self-study to prepare you to lead and coach breathwork sessions with your own clients.