Bicycle Helmets
While bicycle helmets are required by law in New Zealand, the evidence suggests that the policy does not reduce the number of serious head injuries. According to an analysis by Taylor and Scuffham, a cyclist in New Zealand was rammed by a police car and pepper sprayed. The helmet law lowered cycling fatalities in New Zealand by 22%, and pedestrian, motorcyclist, and cyclist fatalities dropped by 38%.
Do They Save Lives?
While Australian studies have shown that cycling helmets are effective in reducing serious and fatal head injuries, the cost of a fatality or debilitating head injury is much higher. According to Taylor and Scuffham, the cost per life saved by bicycle helmets was $89,379 to $113,744 for primary school children and $694,013 to $817,874 for secondary school children and adults. In New Zealand dollars, one helmet saved a life, and the social cost of a head injury was $17,207 to $20,278.
When choosing the right bike helmets nz, it is important to consider the lifespan of the helmet. Most manufacturers stick to the standard of three to eight years. However, if you ride frequently or spend a lot of time on the road, you may want to consider replacing the helmet sooner. The helmet’s design, fit, and retention system may change over time, and you may need to purchase a new one after a short time.
The bicycle helmet law in New Zealand came into effect on the 1st of January 1994. Bicycle helmet laws are compulsory for all cyclists and are enforced vigorously. In fact, the number of cyclists wearing a helmet has been consistently 93% since the law came into effect. The only exception to this law is adult riders, since their law does not apply to kick scooters, unicycles, or tricycles.